Comment fonctionne une séance Thêta Healing® ?
Au cours d’une séance de Theta Healing®, un praticien vous aide à vous libérer de vos principaux blocages et à améliorer votre santé, vos relations amoureuses et votre carrière. Avec le Theta Healing®, les pensées et croyances négatives sont libérées et transformées de manière positive.
Au cours de la première séance, nous discutons de vos objectifs et de votre intention. Vous êtes assis dans une position détendue et le praticien vous aide à accéder à l’onde cérébrale thêta.
Nous pratiquons par ailleurs des tests musculaires basés sur la kinésiologie. Les techniques principales sont le scan intuitif du corps (analyse énergétique) et le travail de l’ADN au niveau quantique.
N.B : Le Theta Healing® fonctionne avec la même efficacité par vidéoconférence qu’en personne.

Clear the blocks to your manifestations
and attract abundance
Theta Healing®
Manifesting and Abundance
In this course you will learn how to manifest your goals and dreams into reality
and clear your blocks to living in abundance.
Allow the law of attraction to work for you with ease and grace.
You learn how to set the right intentions as true success comes from
the intention behind any goal.
The course teaches you extraordinary tools to find your limiting beliefs which separate you
from your goals in your personal life and your career.
Do you find positive thinking hard work?
It’s impossible to be happy and positive all the time. Especially when you are in the habit of negative thought patterns. Many of our thoughts are repeated in our minds, until they become a habitual way of thinking. Through Theta Healing we are able to clear the blocks that lead to negative patterns. And therefore change our thinking.
This course is nothing like the visualisation courses and plain positive thinking courses out there. We use the time to intentionally help you discover limiting beliefs, blocks and other programs that are hidden in the subconscious mind and change them.
We have over a hundred tried and tested belief systems to test yourself with and have pleasure in changing. We also make space for you to dig more deeply and pluck out root causes of any area that has caused you issues throughout your life.
Duration: 2 Days
Timetable: 9 am to 4:30 pm (including a lunch break and two short breaks)
Cost: 350 €. The course fee is set by the ThetaHealing Institute of Knowledge.
Prerequisites: Theta Healing® Basic DNA, Theta Healing® Advanced & ThetaHealing® Dig Deeper Courses.
Includes: Vianna Stibal’s Abundance Meditation CD and a Practical Manual.
Why you should attend this course
You receive hundreds of “downloads” to obtain abundance in your life at all levels.
Clear blocks to attracting more clients to build your business faster and easier.
If your stuck or feeling trapped in a job you don’t like, and can’t see a way out.
This course may help you discover the perfect solution.
Wishing for greater health and well-being, but somehow illness is keeping you safe.
If you have a great idea, but can’t get your project or business off the ground. You can clear blocks to asking for help, delegating or attracting funding.
How effective is Theta Healing over other techniques?
Just talking about your goals is 30-40% effective.
Visualising your goals is only 50% effective.
Manifesting in the Theta state 80-90% effective!